Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to tie a Pan Chang knot

Pan Chang knot, also known as the mystic knot, is considered one of the eight Buddhist treasures. Its endless pattern represents the cyclical nature of all existence, symbolizing birth and death while indicating that life can exist forever- one of the basic beliefs of Buddhism. This intricate design is also used to represent the mysteries of the universe, and it is thought to bring good fortune to the wearer as well as those who view it.

You will need 2mm satin cord at least 4 feet long.

Step 1: Make a bight in the middle of the rope.
Step 2: Drop two opposing bights beside the middle bight.
Step 3: Hook the right running end down, then left under, over, under.
Step 4: The rope end over the vertical ropes. Then slither the running end back.
Step 5: The above rope end set forth, following the same path as the line above.
Step 6: Repeat above line three times.
Step 7: Now hook the left running end down, then right over all.
Step 8: The end over all the vertical ropes. Hook the running end back .
Step 9: The rope end back under the vertical ropes, then curve it around the bight below.
Step 10: The end rope passing over and under the vertical ropes again.
Step 11: Hook the running end up under, over-over-over, under, and over-over-over the ropes above it.
Step 12: Hook the running end down, under-under, over, under-under-under, over, and under the ropes below it.
Step 13: Curve the running end around the bight to the right and repeat Step 11.
Step 14: Curve the running end under the middle bight and repeat Step 12.
Steep 15: Rotate all the vertical and horizontal ropes 90 degrees, creating an upper and lower lattice of woven ropes.
Step 16: Carefully adjust the knot, taking up slack in consideration of the fact that the Pan Chang Knot has an upper and lower section.
Step 17: Congratulations! You've just finished the knot.
Step 18: The Pan Chang Knot is effectively a compressed cylinder and is not meant to lay completely flat.